Art lesson – flexible, direct draw. 4/7/19 Term 2 week 10

Reflecting on how much the children enjoyed the story of Sad the dog and the rich discussion that followed, I decided that our last art lesson for the term would be suitable to lead on from this.

We did this in two stages.

Before beginning, I explained to the children that I would love them to make their own choices about their dogs ears, nose, mouth, tail and legs to give them their own individual look. I encouraged the children to add their own personal touch and guide them when we came to these parts using questions such as: What kind of mouth does your dog have, does he/ she look happy or sad or excited?

I further encouraged the children to add details if they wished, such as dog collars or identification tags.

After this stage was finished, I handed out black sharpies for the children to trace over and around their sketches.

Once finish I handed out paper for the children to write their response about Sad. I provided the class with the sentence starter on the whiteboard, “If Sad was my dog, ..”.

In the next lesson that afternoon, I put out black, browns and white acrylic paints for the children to choose from to paint their dogs. Th focus was on wiping our brushes and using our palettes to blend and mix to create new shades / colours.

And here are the finished products. I love how different they all are.

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