Science: Our 5 senses – Taste testing

Term 2- week 10

Today we continued our focus on our 5 senses and moved on from touch to discussing our sense of taste.

We began our lesson by discussing various foods and their different tastes and creating a poster. After categorising them under categories of Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, tangy and spicy we began our taste test.

In each students bowl I had dished out some salty corn chips, spicy salsa, salt and vinegar chips, sour lollies, bitter parsley, sweet June lollies and tangy orange jelly crystals. KW was very excited about today’s experience and surprisingly every student tried each item in their tasting bowl. This provoked an exciting discussion about things they were hesitant to taste ,which they surprisingly enjoyed. We then identified what each food item tasted like and thought about what we would write about in our sentences. Transitioning off to our writing task,I had each student tell me what they were going to write about.

I sat with students who required scaffolding and support to assist were required.

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