PBL Lesson: learning about resilience.

To begin our lesson we discussed what we had heard about resilience at assembly from one of our schools teachers and the idea that she had shared of “shaking it off” and not letting someone or something ruining our day.

We expanded on this idea and brainstormed together what else it might mean to be resilient. As the children took turns to share their ideas, I wrote them down on a large sheet of paper.

Once we had finished collating our ideas, I gave each student a sheet of art paper and asked them to draw a picture of them being resilient. Before handing each student their paper, I asked each individually what they were going to draw. This helped them to collect their thoughts and form their idea before beginning.

Below are some examples of work.

After they were finished I asked each student to tell me about their artwork and wrote their explanation on the page with their permission.

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