Above image retrieved from: http://convergencediscussion.nz/



Hi all,

Welcome to my interpretation of “Digital Convergence”.


Retrieved from: http://minacs.com/blogs/post/1929/digital-convergence-and-how-it-s-changing-technical-support-part-1


Digital Convergence allows us choices and the flexibility to use, watch, listen, play or view things on multiple devices or platforms. I have created a video using Powtoon in order to elaborate on the topic. Below is a link that will take you to my Powtoon Presentation which I have designed to explain what digital convergence is and it’s relevance to teaching and learning.


Image retrieved from: http://digitally.cognizant.com/the-evolution-of-enterprise-mobility-an-update/

Digital Convergence by Maria Tribe


I hope you enjoyed watching,

See you Online,

Maria   😉


Digital convergence is the merging of separate technologies into one. Using key factors such as the internet, multiple devices and the intelligence of such devices to engage in new ways. One such example is the smart phone which merges the telephone, internet, computer and applications all in one. This enables numerous functions to be made on one device. Think about all the things a smartphone can do. Think about all the things we can do with technology today. All of these are possible due to digital convergence. But how does this apply to teaching and learning? First lets have a look at some of the technology tools that can be used in schools and the classroom and identify where digital convergence is used. Some examples include:

  • Smart board
  • Ipads / notebooks
  • Laptops
  • smartphones
  • Smart TV’s

Lets use one of these as an example, The ipad, we can use for many functions in the classroom like Surf the internet, tell the time, use the calculator, take photos & videos, take notes, create presentations, watch a movie, play educational games and apps and more. So what does this mean for teaching? Well as Howell, (2012 p. 14) points out, teachers can utilize digital technologies such as these to save time and cut back on direct lecturing, empower students to collaborate, use technology to get to know students, focus on lifelong learning skills applicable to digital convergence and design and use educational programs that can be Incorporated into learning experiences. Additionally, there is more pressure on teachers to be up to date with digital technologies such as those which include digital convergence as we move forward in preparing our students for lifelong learning skills with digital technology. Teachers must be able to use and understand the tools in which they are teaching and applying to provide students with the best head start in digital learning and application.

Furthermore, the state and national plans, policy documents and strategies are implemented to ensure schools have documents to guide them through applying a curriculum that is preparing students adequately for future education and training to live in this fast paced digital world. For example, as stated in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (2008) set out by the Ministerial Council on Education, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA).

“Rapid and continuing advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) are changing the ways people share, use, develop and process information and technology. In this digital age, young people need to be highly skilled in the use of ICT. While schools already employ these technologies in learning, there is a need to increase their effectiveness significantly over the next decade.”  (MCEETYA, s cited in Howell 2012, p.40).

So to summarise, digital convergence is used daily in multiple functions and it is therefore our responsibility as teachers to keep up to date in order to teach effectively and prepare students for their future world.  Thank you for listening!



Concentrix. (n.d). Retrieved from: http://minacs.com/blogs/post/1929/digital-convergence-and-how-it-s-changing-technical-support-part-1


Core Education. (n.d). Trend 4: Digital convergence. Retrieved from: http://www.core-ed.org/thought-leadership/ten-trends/ten-trends-2015/digital-convergence


Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT, digital pedagogies for collaboration and creativity. South Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press.


New Zealand Government. (n.d). Convergence. Retrieved from: http://convergencediscussion.nz/


Rogers, P. (2015, September, 10). The evolution of enterprise mobility in a digital world. Cognizant. Retrieved from: http://digitally.cognizant.com/the-evolution-of-enterprise-mobility-an-update/


Tribe, M. (2016). Digital Convergence. Powtoon Retrieved from: https://www.powtoon.com/online-presentation/bpamDFICw7B/digital-convergence/?mode=movie#/

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